Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!

It's a New Year! I bet most of you have already made your New Year resolutions for 2014, had your fun during the holidays and now you are dreading to go back to school.

Here's the tricky thing about New Year's Resolutions, most of us wants to achieve it but after awhile, the fire in our determination dies down and we eventually forget about it.

PolicyMic writes about the 10 Most Common New Year's resolutions made such as eating healthily and exercising more regularly.
GAIAMlife suggests 10 Tips Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution with their first and what I think is the most essential tip, making a REALISTIC resolution.

Team Zero to Hero shares with you our New Year's resolutions!
Quraisha: "I want to do more volunteer work and take care of my health."
Momoko: "I wish to do better in my studies and spend more time with my family." 
Elaine: "I want to be more healthy and have a better relationship with my family!"
Juliana: "I want to be considerate and use wise words when I communicate with people because apparently I'm always saying the wrong things that will lead to trouble."
Jiamin: "I want to be happier and I want to put in more effort in everything that I do."
Joanne: "I want to be more sociable, less angry and more patient."

So share with us YOUR New Year resolutions in the comment section below!
Here's to a great start in 2014 and all the best in fulfilling your New Year's resolutions! :)


  1. i hope to contribute more and be more understanding towards my family! :)

  2. My new yr resolution is to run more in 2014 and eat healthier!

  3. I wish I can be a better person and help those in need.

  4. I hope that I will be able to try things that I haven't tried in the past year.

  5. I hope to appreciate people and things around me!

  6. i want to be able to eat brocolli

  7. My wish will be to keep a healthy mind and body stay forcus in my work and spend more time with family and close friends .

  8. i want to have a better semester in school and get better grades!

  9. My new year resolution is to do well in my studies, spend time with my loved ones and be healthy!

  10. My New Year resolution is to keep fit and make my family and loved ones to be happy always. =)

  11. I want to eat more healthy food and be fit

  12. I want to improve alot as a digital artist!

  13. I want to be disciplined to stick to my exercise regime and spend more time with God to grow in my faith with Him.

  14. Hope that i can put in 100% effort in everything i do !

  15. Hope that i can put in 100% effort in everything i do !

  16. hope to lose weight !
