Tuesday 26 November 2013

Reflection Post on Mission #1 Good Morning RP

Hello fellow RPians!!

As some of you have known, we carried out our first mission last Friday, with a theme “Good Morning RP!”

We went to greet fellow RP-ians good morning with a smile and wrote short quotes to brighten up their day. 

The objectivity of this event was to get rid of their mundane mornings and replace it with a smile on their faces

Our first mission took two days of careful planning before we executed it. Our challenge was, where to position ourselves. We eventually decided to position ourselves right outside RP’s main entrance and give post it notes to the students to wish them a good day ahead.

We successfully gave out post-it notes in a short time yet most of the students we gave the notes to, were not responsive to our mission. Many were too absorbed with their smartphones or were too shy when we approach them with the little notes. We also noticed that there was little interaction among students when they arrived in school together. 

Although the outcome was not as responsive as we thought it would be, we hope to spread more word about our blog in our next mission! So keep smiling and look out for us this Friday!



  1. Hi project zero to hero,
    I've seen the videos for the last two missions and I hope you will continue to do them as they look really fun to do!
    Will be waiting to see what other missions you have under your sleeve!

  2. Hello anonymous!! Thank you for supporting our blog and do look out for more events that is coming up!
